Right to Bear Insurance

Right to Bear Insurance

Project Description

Right to Bear is the flagship product of Moultrie Insurance and was brought to our team in the idea stage having no preconceived notion of implementation.  Our team spent an extended Discovery time as part of our proprietary process and vetted out each and every aspect of what needed to be accomplished.  


Having a firm understanding of the technical requirements we began evaluating possible approaches for successful implementation. Options considered were a) Bespoke Software Development b) existing systems like DxC or Duck Creek that are used by some of the largest insurance companies in the country like Geico.

Understanding the need to integrate with a third party carrier, the ability to generate custom insurance documents and the ability to manage policies on both an annual and monthly basis the decision was made to go bespoke and built it from the ground up.


The kicker was we were given only 6 weeks to build the entire product.  But having in hand the work product of our Discovery phase we were able to accomplish this in less than 6 weeks and deploy before Black Friday which was the goal.


With the early delivery including adding in additional non-spec’d features like coupons the client was able to have a stellar launch and achieve more results than they had projected.  

Project Challenges

  • Discovery

    As the client was only learning exactly what was possible for them the fluidity of the discovery process required a lot of time and detailed effort.
  • Evaluation

    Evaluation for technical approach involved vetting many well known solutions for efficacy and budget for the clients particular use-case.
  • Timeline

    The short timeline to deliver such a complex bespoke system was only accomplished because of the detailed and thorough discovery and planning phase.
  • Fluid Requirements

    As the project inched closer to completion the stakeholders had additional requests that needed to be addressed.