Project Description
OpenStack needed a Digital Signage solution that would be adaptable at any of their Summits around the world and with our partner FNTech we were able to assist them. The system had to run on small Chromeboxes attached to various screen sizes at various orientations and support theming for each event (as each event is different) and allow the Event Administrators to be able to uploaded custom themed backgrounds for various places within the event (Floor 1, Expo Hall, etc) and integrate with the session scheduling system for that Floor, Room etc.
In addition the system needed to integrate with the Twitter API and pull content based on hashtags set at the Event Level, Location Level, Session and Speaker level and display content as it was Tweeted on the signage for that location.
The system was first used at OpenStack Tokyo and then at OpenStack Austin – pictures from both are below – and with both of those being successes was handed over to OpenStack to use going forward.

Project Challenges
Live Audience
Testing was done within the team's labs but the first real test of the product at scale in 50+ locations was at OpenStack Tokyo - so it had to be right the very first time it was used. -
In order to meet the client's expectations the system had to be extremely flexible with theming and multi-location support. -
API Integrations
Integrating with event scheduling to ensure all speakers, sessions, locations were up to date was a challenge as this is an ever evolving concept during a live event.
In order to truly support the project our staff for the first two deployments (Tokyo & Austin) had to travel to the event locations and work around the clock to ensure success. -
Being that it was a live event with thousands of people watching the demand for perfection was high but the team came through with flying colors!